Heather Nodello

Where The Self Meets The Soul
Spiritual and Crisis Counselling and Education

Getting Started

It is recommended and general practice to book an Intuitive Reading when starting with me. This is an individual session that includes an intuitive report on what is happening in your life from the spiritual/self perspective. Reading topics include personal empowerment, chakra analysis, gifts and weaknesses, life purpose, personal and professional relationships as well as any mental/emotional blocks inhibiting you from achieving your Higher Self. The session takes an hour and includes a printed write up of the Intuitive Reading. $120

Private Sessions

When you are ready to begin, it is recommended to set up individual sessions that will move at your pace. Together we will create a reasonable and attainable goal to get you where you need to be. Sessions range from personal empowerment, astrological readings, family and romantic relationships, spiritual gifts, past life memories, and life purpose goals.

For those working through personal mental and emotional blocks, each session will focus on a specific ‘challenge’. We will look at the situation from various perspectives, identify which ‘path’ is best for you now, and what steps will be required to reach your objectives. Monthly monitoring is also available. Sessions are scheduled by the hour either in-person or via phone appointment. $100. Please click here to book an appointment: Book an appointment

Educational Classes

The quickest and most direct way to personal contentment and soul consciousness is through education. Learning and understanding who you are versus Who You Are Meant to Be involves personal grit, determination and discipline. Learning to undo your previous mental and emotional patterns and programs creates the actual space to heal and transform yourself. Learning to understand and support your own anxiety will create new pathways in life that will reduce internal fear and societal expectations. Self actualization can only happen when the human consciousness reaches a state of internal acceptance and peace. From there, a human can evolve into their Soul Consciousness to access the truth of Who They Are Meant to Be and all the gifts and lessons of their past lives. Classes range from beginner to mastery.

The Why

Learning proper emotional and mental stability is no longer an option. Mental illness and emotional challenges are plaguing society and leaving many feeling anxious, trapped, and frustrated with themselves and their lives. Learning to understand and properly utilize the human emotional system is key in strengthening your internal reactions into responses. Anxiety is caused by a ‘general feeling of unease’ as the mind works to process ‘what it is feeling’. Without proper understanding of emotions, a cycle of rising and falling will occur. Up and down and all around depending on the day, time, and company.


The reduction of both mental anxiety and emotional fear can be done through applied knowledge. Knowing is half the battle remains a true statement. Guided meditations, easy to use pictorial charts, clear and concise language and an experienced instructor makes healing and spiritual activation an achievable goal in today’s chaotic reality. Classes are offered in both live and online formats for your personal learning style. Additional 1 on 1 appointments specific to class material are also available.